Jan Gordon and Pablo Picasso

Last weekend we visited the Picasso Black and White exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston . The range of styles on show was remarkable, from coolly classical to astonishingly abstract. "Head of a Man" 1908 looks like a Fang Ngil mask from Gabon. The several studies for “Guernica” reminded me of a visit to that town in 1994 (studying the nearby geology), looking quiet and peaceful on a sunny day and giving no hint of the Luftwaffe's horrific bombing in 1937 . Jan and Cora Gordon were contemporaries of Picasso in Paris and Jan Gordon wrote about him in “ Modern French Painters ” (1923 and later editions), a volume dedicated to my grandparents . He wrote, “Picasso – Pablo Ruiz is his real name – is the most vivid and and the most dramatic personality which has come into the art of today.” “Picasso may well be considered as the problem of modern art. He has bewildered the public by the variety of and the differences between his artistic p...